The Trinity Counseling and Wellness Center is a member of the Association for University and College Counseling Directors (AUCCCD) and our staff unanimously endorses and supports the following statement adopted by the AUCCCD Board on June 8, 2020.


The Association for University and College Counseling Directors (AUCCCD) condemns the racial violence continuing to claim the lives of unarmed persons who identify as Black or African- American. 这可耻的400年歧视历史, degradation and death must stop — and it will require the commitment of each of us.

乔治•弗洛伊德. Breonna泰勒. 大卫McAtee. Ahmaud Arbery. Bothem琼. Atatiana杰斐逊. 乔纳森·法瑞尔. Renisha麦克布莱德. 斯蒂芬•克拉克约旦爱德华兹约旦戴维斯. 奥尔顿英镑. Aiyana琼斯. 迈克-布朗. 塔米尔大米. Clementa C. 平克尼, 辛西娅·玛丽·格雷厄姆·赫德, 苏茜杰克逊, 埃塞尔·李·兰斯, Depayne Middleton-Doctor, Tywanza桑德斯, Daniel L. Simmons, Sharonda Coleman-Singleton, Myra Thompson (all nine murdered in  their  查尔斯顿 SC教堂). Trayvon马丁. 肖恩·贝尔. 奥斯卡授予. 桑德拉平淡. Philando卡斯提尔. 科里·琼斯. 约翰·克劳福德. 泰伦斯搅和机. 基思•斯科特. Clifford Glover. 克劳德·里斯. 兰迪·埃文斯. 伊冯·斯莫尔伍德. 沃尔特•斯科特. 埃里克·加纳. 房地美灰色. 阿尔伯塔省Spruill. 火绒迪亚洛. 蒂莫西·托马斯。.

This list represents the names of those whose murders were brought to the attention of this nation only as a result of citizens confronting the silence and invisibility of many more murders and assaults in the past two decades — the same decades that witnessed an unprecedented surge of demand for mental health services on college campuses across the country. It is imperative that we connect the dots that tell the story of the work we all still have to do, as these deaths also impact those who survive to grieve the loss of loved ones, 谁害怕失去更多, and who 每天 experience the inherent collective trauma of injustice.

我们还必须承认,这份清单是一份持续的清单, one that includes those names in history books that have failed to tell the complete truth reflecting the voices and experiences of those who have moved us forward through their actions of speaking truth to power, either through organized activism or simply through living their humanity. 牧师. Dr. 马丁·路德·金. 马尔科姆·艾克斯. 夫埃弗斯.  艾美特直到.  虽然这份名单上的名字主要是男性和年轻男性, we must acknowledge the life-threatening stress and distress to the many women and female youth who have worked for justice while grieving with dismissed and minimized rage and hurt — while further oppressed by expectations that they merely continue being Strong Black Women in narrations of “resilience” that carry their own hidden cruelties.

大声说出他们的名字. 说出这些的名字, 我们的非裔美国兄弟姐妹, who were murdered because Black lives have not mattered in the United States. This list could go on for pages and would also have to include millions of deaths due to racism toward indigenous persons, 有色人种变性人, 还有那些没有白人特权的人. 我们为他默哀, 每天, for the countless names that remain cloaked by the racism we still confront.

We join numerous higher 教育 and mental health professional organizations and institutions in condemning racism and racist acts. We also commit to employing our unique perspectives on the process of change toward revealing and dismantling the institutionalized racism found in every aspect of American life — from 教育al systems to houses of worship to elected officials and those sworn to protect. Now is the time for action — for unless we are part of the solution, we are part of the problem. We must create change through our roles as therapists with the students we serve, as consultants to various campus and societal arenas where we have influence, and as citizens of a country that has failed to honor the concept that all truly are created equal.

As professionals who oversee the work of healing and empowering students in their struggles, we recognize the importance of taking a stand and offering support by naming and addressing what causes the illness, 伤口, 和障碍. 这是指, 越来越多地, to the systemic forces and institutional structures of white supremacy; all forms of racism (and specifically anti-Black racism); and its manifestations in police brutality, 健康方面的巨大和日益扩大的差距, 教育, economic condition; incarceration; and the denial of basic rights of safety and the ability to breathe.

We also acknowledge that there is a more sustained and additional need for facilitating the difficult (and often painful) honest examination and self-work around our individual biases in thought and action, 以及这如何影响我们对学生的工作, 咨询中心的工作人员和其他同事, 我们的校园, 社区, 朋友和家人.

尤其是那些自认为是白人的人, 考虑参与一个问责小组(例如, 详情见 还有像《. . . 但我不是种族主义者!”) and consider how white supremacy culture may be interwoven in your patterns of perfectionism, 紧迫感, 防御性, 数量重于质量, 对文字的崇拜, 家长作风, 非此即彼的思考, 权力囤积, 害怕公开冲突, 个人主义, 客观性, 舒适的权利, and the belief that progress is bigger and more (from Jones and Okun’s 2001 “Dismantling Racism”).


  • Join local and national efforts for societal reform, social justice and peace.
  • 与同事联系以获得支持、鼓励和资源.
  • 最后也是最重要的一点——要意识到, 对…有反应, the impact of current and historical trauma on colleagues of color (specifically those who identify as Black) — don’t default to them to lead conversations around racism or to educate on how to be a better ally. 除了他们的工作生活, Black people have individual lives and families and friends; the emotional exhaustion is real. 尽你所能减轻负担.

AUCCCD is a professional community that fosters director development and success. 推进高等教育使命, 我们创新, 教育和倡导大学生心理健康. We are committed to inclusive excellence and the promotion of social justice.​​